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Welcome to my little corner of the internet

On this, my personal website, I want to show off my art, tell the people looking me up online a bit about myself and just generally make this a cozy little spot for you to hang out and explore.

I'm still practising html and css and it's more of a hobby than anything I want to pursue seriously, which is why this website will forever be under construction. Although, that is a feature of personal websites of the old web.

In general, I'm a man of many interests and hobbies. I can do a lot of things a little bit, but nothing really well – a Jack of all traits, master of none.
And this describes my personality pretty well. I will start lots of projects, work on them until I hit a roadblock, spend years working on other projects, learn a lot during that process and come back to unfinished projects again. Rinse and repeat (sadly). In a way this means I'm not someone who finishes things, but I am someone who loves tinkering with challenges and learn new stuff constantly.

Hopefully, in due time (check the Updates below to see what's new), you will be able to find current artworks of mine under the Gallery tab and you may find devlogs for the games I'm working on under the Games tab. Eventually you can play some of them here once they are finished.
Under the Extras tab, you will soon find fun things to do, like play around with the Infinity Chocolate from my previous website, or quizzes/questionnaires I'm planning to make. If I manage to find out how, there might even be a guestbook, so long as neocities allows it.
Under Links you can find cool links to other corners of the World Wide Web, go and surf around.
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If you want to get in touch, perhaps about commissioning some artwork in the style you see displayed around you here (as all major graphics are made by me), or you have questions or want to point out blatant mistakes, please message me HERE.

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